Dekel Galor

Hello! I am a first-year PhD student at UC Berkeley interested in signal processing, computational imaging, and visual neuroscience. I am a part of Prof. Jacob Yates' Active Vision and Neural Computation Lab, and Prof. Laura Waller's Computational Imaging Lab.

I am grateful for the support of the NSF Graduate Fellowship in sponsoring my research and studies.

Recent Projects

SFN 2023 Poster

D. Galor, Jude F. Mitchell, Daniel A. Butts, Jacob L. Yates

ICCP 2023 Spotlight Poster & Demo

D. Galor*, R. Cao*, Jacob L. Yates, Laura Waller

Optica Special Issue on Displays

D. Galor*, G. Meng*, Laura Waller, Martin Banks


Please refer to my Google Scholar page.